RedLine Contemporary Art Center | Denver, Colorado

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Friday Doughnuts with Sarah Bowling

Welcome to Friday Doughnuts! This week’s doughnut’s go to Sarah Bowling. Sarah is a huge fan of Voodoo Doughnuts. Let’s see what she’s been up to during quarantine.

JC: What media are you binging during quarantine?

Sarah: I am a huge fan of ridiculous reality TV so I've been binging The Hills and Love is Blind. I've also watched an impressive amount of Grey's Anatomy... I think I watched all 16 seasons in the last few months. I'm not sure if Tetris qualifies as media, but that has been my go to game. Not to brag, but I have the top 3 highest scores on the site I play on! I also LOVE Sudoku. I've completed 100 Sudokus this week. I even started watching YouTube videos to learn Sudoku tricks.

JC: What’s keeping you happy these days?

Sarah: Every night I write down ten things from the day that made me smile. Here is a list of some recent things that made me smile: donuts, watching a squirrel eat watermelon from my window, my bff's puppy, watching leaves grow more each day, riding my bike, art from friends hung in my home, baking cookies, failing at making bread, pine tree scented candles, the color blue, walking around the park, organizing every inch of my home, socially distanced brunch with my family, pepperoni pizza, starting a new book, learning how to wood burn designs into coasters, helping plan my sister's wedding, orange flowers, finding a box of old cards given to me, sitting by a lake, trying new things in my art practice like collaging.

JC: Where is the first place you’ll go when things open back up again?

Sarah:THE GYM!!!!!!!! I am used to spending my days alone being in the studio working but every night I go to the gym and really miss it. I love the energy at gyms and moving my body. I am also very excited to get back on mountain bike trails!

JC: Thanks Sarah! And thank you for reading. Join us next week for another Friday Doughnuts post!