RedLine Contemporary Art Center | Denver, Colorado

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VIDEO: Where Are the Boundaries? Part 3: Mental Health & The Creative Block

Where Are The Boundaries?

A digital content series + panel with Denise Zubizarreta and RedLine Contemporary Art Center

Part 3: Mental Health & The Creative Block

This video series and virtual panel is an exploration of approaches to assisting individuals and groups to enter states of consciousness conducive to creative expression by exploring multiple techniques and blocks that can enhance the creative practice.

How do those facilitating transformative work assist others to find their way through their discomfort to open them to the possibilities of healing and growth through creative expression?

We will explore creative consciousness in 3 key parts from April 19th-21st.

Part 1: Indigenous Plant Medicines | Natural Healing

Part 2: Modern Pharma + It’s Impact on the Mind/Body Connection

Part 3. Mental Health + Creative Blocks

Virtual panel: Streaming on RedLine’s Instagram at 11am-12:30pm on April 22

Techniques can be adopted that help people dive deeper than the ordinary cognitive state of consciousness that is the usual mode for interaction in our culture.

With this series, I hope to open the door to discussions on how we can connect to our innermost creative consciousness to enhance our art making and achieve a balanced mind and body.

In the Part 3 video below, we will explore techniques to boost our mental health and how the state of our mind + body connection impacts creative blocks.

Watch Part 3: “Mental Health & The Creative Block”

Video Transcription

Hey there. It's me again, Denise The Vamp DeVille Zubizarreta. And this is Where Are The Boundaries? A limited series in partnership with RedLine Contemporary Art Center. Today we're talking mental health and creative blocks.

How do they shift our creative consciousness?

Our mental health plays a huge role in creativity. For some, our mental health can hinder our creative process, but for others it can enhance it.

But what mental health techniques can we use when we're in the creative funk?

Mindfulness, grounding, meditation, practicing gratitude and cognitive reconstructuring. Reconstructuring? Restructuring?

Are all techniques that we can use to battle anxiety and depression, but they're also great when you're in a creative rut. Mindful movement, one of my favorite techniques, incorporates being mindful and movement.

Like dance, right? To literally shake it off. This can help reinvigorate the mind and body. Literally shaking it off is the key to unlocking new ideas that helps ready us for our process through creative consciousness. Staying active gets the blood pumping, and sometimes dancing like nobody is watching.

Can often release us from those subconscious cages that we've retreated too often as a coping mechanism. Techniques like cognitive restructuring have also been successful in helping people change the way they think.

By identifying automatic thoughts and intrusive thoughts, employing questions, and accepting rational conclusions. There's so many techniques to explore. Sometimes they can feel overwhelming.

But when you find the combination that works best for you, breaking the creative block can be so liberating. What mental health techniques have you used to get your creative juices flowing? And how do you achieve creative consciousness? Let us know in the comments.

Don't forget to join me and our amazing panelists on April 22nd, 11:00 AM Mountain, 10:00 AM Pacific, and 1:00 PM Eastern on Zoom and Instagram as we dive deeper into creative consciousness. To learn more about “Where Are The Boundaries?” and our upcoming panel, visit

I'm Denise The Vamp DeVille Zubizarreta, and I want to thank you for joining me in this limited series brought to you by RedLine Contemporary Art Center.

And I hope you continue to ask, "Where are the boundaries?"

Watch the virtual panel now!