General Information
CCAG (C*NT CLUB ARTIST GRANT) is an anonymous group of artists and alumni who want to recognize and support the artistic labor of our peers. RedLine Contemporary Art Center administers the CCAG for the purpose of honoring Colorado artists that are significantly contributing to the community through their art.
2019 Grant Recipient
Bruce Price
2018 Grant Recipients
Kim Shively &
Adán de la Garza
Kim Shively is a Denver based filmmaker whose work often begins with the idea of the palimpsest - a surface or place on which texts, ideas, and histories are continually being created and erased, leaving a residue or trace behind. Using this residual knowledge as a starting point, Shively constructs new narratives about mortality and identity.
Adán de la Garza Adán is a professional misnomer. Adán is a founding member of the Sound, Video and Performance Art collective The Flinching Eye, was a co-conspirator of the media arts exhibition series Nothing To See Here, he chooses his own level of involvement at Collective Misnomer, and pushes a lot of buttons with Dizzy Spell. Adán holds a BFA in Photography from the University of Arizona and an MFA in Interdisciplinary Media Arts Practices from the University of Colorado at Boulder.