Grant Report Guidelines
Arts in Society requires that final narrative and financial reports be submitted together within 60 days of the completion of the funded project and no later than the date stated in the grant award letter, or as modified in subsequent correspondence. All reports should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file using the provided templates. Grant recipients who do not submit final reports are ineligible for further Arts in Society funding. If unusual circumstances arise that may create delays in reporting or significantly alter the progress of the funded project, please promptly inform the Arts in Society Program Manager.
All reports should be submitted by email to Lares Feliciano (
Report Cover Letter
Please complete and submit the "Report Cover Letter" linked below:
Narrative Report
Narrative report of no more than 5 pages including the following information:
1. A summary of the project and purpose of the grant (no more than 250 words)
2. A list of project activities (per Grant Agreement)
3. Progress made toward the expected outcomes of the grant and any other significant accomplishments
4. What was/is the most important impact of your work? (one paragraph or less)
5. What lessons have you learned, including setbacks or challenges and any keys to success? (no more than 250 words)
6. A list or description of any recent evaluations, publications, news articles, or other materials related to the grant
7. A narrative explanation of any significant variances between proposed spending and actual spending in each category
8. Did receiving funding through Arts in Society help you to leverage support? Please let us know if you were able to receive additional financial or organizational support as a result of this funding.
9. 3 - 5 images from your project. These can be photo documentation, flyers, promotional materials, or any other relative images.
10. AiS Survey results. Please email Lares Feliciano for questions regarding these.
Financial Report
1. Please complete and submit the “Financial Report Template” linked below.
2. Please submit your organization’s financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income & Expense Statement) for the year(s) in which the grant was used. Please explain any significant changes in your financial position.
Grant reports should be submitted within 60 days of completion of any granted project. Reports can be submitted through email to Lares Feliciano (