Katie Leonard

Re-Imagining Safety: An Art Installation and Gathering

In our continued efforts to dismantle systemic racism and oppression, Anti-Racist Club has partnered with the RedLine Contemporary Art Center to create Re-Imagining Safety: An Art Installation and Gathering. This installation will be a living piece of artwork growing as protesters visit the site. It will exist on a chain link fence surrounding the City and County Building of Denver located at 1437 Bannock Street. This installation is in response to The Department of Public Safety & City Councils’ calls for community input surrounding the future of policing and safety in Denver. 


RedLine Contemporary Art Center will host a Maker’s Day eventPosters for Protesters on Sunday, June 14th10am-1pm. This is a free public event that will follow the recommended guidelines for social distancing. Artists are encouraged to drop their protest posters off between the hours of 10am-1pm in the parking lot of RedLine. All other participants are welcome to create their own protest posters or messages of peace with supplies provided by RedLine. During this event, local Denver artist, Detour will create a new mural on our RedLine’s east wall.


Anti-Racist Club will install on Monday, June 15th on the chain link fence in front of City Hall. At 4pm- before the City Council takes the chamber- we will host a rally to celebrate the work installed on the fence with performances by local poets and musicians. 

It is our hope that this installation will inspire those who chose to exercise their 1st Amendment Right to peacefully assemble and petition. We hope to give voice to the voiceless and use art to lift the spirits of our city. As we demand equality, human dignity and justice, we are committed to provide a safe space for ideas to be shared and voices to be heard.