VIDEO: Where Are the Boundaries? Part 1: What Is Creative Consciousness?

Where Are The Boundaries?

A digital content series + panel with Denise Zubizarreta and RedLine Contemporary Art Center

Part 1: What is Creative Consciousness?

This video series and virtual panel is an exploration of approaches to assisting individuals and groups to enter states of consciousness conducive to creative expression by exploring multiple techniques and blocks that can enhance the creative practice.

How do those facilitating transformative work assist others to find their way through their discomfort to open them to the possibilities of healing and growth through creative expression?

We will explore creative consciousness in 3 key parts from April 19th-21st:

Part 1: Indigenous Plant Medicines | Natural Healing (airing April 19th)

Part 2: Modern Pharma + It’s Impact on the Mind/Body Connection (airing April 20th)

Part 3. Mental Health + Creative Blocks (airing April 21st)

Virtual panel: Streaming on RedLine’s Instagram at 11am-12:30pm on April 22

Techniques can be adopted that help people dive deeper than the ordinary cognitive state of consciousness that is the usual mode for interaction in our culture.

With this series, I hope to open the door to discussions on how we can connect to our innermost creative consciousness to enhance our art making and achieve a balanced mind and body.

In the Part 1 video below, we will explore the basics of what creative consciousness is and how we will tap into it in the upcoming series and panel discussion.

Watch Part 1: What Is Creative Consciousness?

Video Transcription

Hi, I'm Denise, The Vamp DeVille Zubizarreta and this is, Where Are The Boundaries?, a limited series in partnership with the RedLine Contemporary Art Center.

Today we're talking creative consciousness. So, what is creative consciousness? It's not a scientific term, but basically it boils down to the state of consciousness that can enhance or enable or support creativity.

This state of consciousness can be achieved in many ways, and in this series as well as with our Zoom panel on the 22nd, we'll explore the multiple ways that artists achieve their preferred state of creative consciousness.

Creative consciousness or creative awareness is basically about being aware of your unique thoughts, ideas, memories, feelings, and the environment around you while you are simultaneously in the midst of the creative process. Some artists also call this being in the zone, almost like being in a hypnotic state.

You know, the zone, when you and the art and the art making process all become one. For some of us, that can lead to a feeling of being lost in the work itself.

But what if you could be more aware while you're in the zone by being even more aware of reality as well? What could this do for your work, and how would it change the way that your work showcases the world around you? And what if this trance like state could be strategically managed?

According to scientists, you have consciousness if you can experience the outer world that surrounds you through your senses. But what outer world are they speaking of exactly?

We'll dive deeper into that in our next episode where we talk about modern pharmaceuticals versus indigenous plant medicine and how they can take us into different stages of consciousness.

So how do you achieve creative consciousness? Let us know in the comments, and don't forget to join me, and our amazing panelists, on the 22nd for our Zoom panel on Creative Consciousness, brought to you by RedLine Contemporary Art Center at 11:00 AM Mountain, 10:00 AM Pacific, and 1:00 PM Eastern Standard.

To learn more about Where Are The Boundaries? and our Zoom panel, check out

I'm Denise The Vamp DeVille Zubizarreta, and I'll see you next time as we dive deeper to find out where are the boundaries.

Watch PART 2: Pharma vs. Plant Medicine >