Wong Zheng (aka “Catty”)


Wong Zheng (aka "Catty") is a multidisciplinary artist from Harbin, China. During her Visiting Artist Residency at S*Park in 2019, WONG installed a mural on the west side of the outdoor garden, as well as the wall between the living condos and Uchi Restaurant. The landscape imagery in the murals reflects both Ukiyo-e, a traditional mural style painting of Japan, and Mogao, Dunhuang Buddhist Cave Paintings in China. Her visual integration of these distinct styles speaks to the site-specificity of the work next to Uchi while also acknowledging the historical protection of sacred murals in her home country of China.

The West Mural Translates to:

To see a world in a grain of sand, 

And a heaven in a wild flower,

From a piece of leaf

You can see the whole Bodhi Tree. 

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, 

Imagine it to be a universe

A moment of thinking.

 It is a meditation of peace, forever.

More information can be found here