Izaac Tafoya
I started off at RedLine as an intern from RMCAD, but ended up volunteering and becoming a contracted staff member.
I sketched this piece in graphite, I then took the pencil work and digitally scanned it. I took the scanned lines and worked on top of them with my wacom tablet; recreating the lines, adding color, then lastly a mask layer for values.
I work in stages: I first start with an idea, and defining that idea’s purpose. I clarify that purpose and this sets the parameters for what I need done. Then I do words and sketch lists, these evolve into 20 to 50 thumbnails. I go around with my thumbnails and ask for other’s opinions, this helps me to get some fresh eyes to review the composition. I take these thumbnails digitally and work out sketches; this includes value and color studies.
George Floyd
Digital Media