Javier Flores
Born in Denver, Colorado, to Mexican immigrants, Javier Flores is the eldest of 3 kids. Raised in a blue collar, middle to lower income level household in Brighton, Colorado, helped to instill strong work ethic, honesty, and integrity.
At the age of nineteen, Javier was shot in the lower back and subsequently paralyzed. Initially in shock and depression, he became distant and suicidal for a time. He was thankfully saved by family, friends, visual arts, and martial arts.
Flores received his Bachelor of Fine Art from Metropolitan State University of Denver in 2008, and his Master of Fine Art from Texas A&M University Corpus Christi in 2017. Since graduating, he worked as an affiliate until 2021 acquiring a full-time position at Front Range Community College. In this role he is the Art Lead for all 2D courses and the Gallery Director of the school.
As an artist, Flores chooses to associate with the idea of Lenguaje Vulgar, or vulgar language, a reference to cussing in Spanish. The connection of imagery to language is a symbolic reference to the visual lexicon he continues to expand to explore the daily hindrance of his disability among other issues.
The implication of swearing or cussing in accordance with his art, is a therapeutic tool which allows Flores to express frustration yet persevere. As a visual artist, Flores pursues a variety of mediums to best translate the biographical narrative approach to image and form making.
By re-contextualizing common symbols, the viewer is led to a larger dialogue in which they must access their own personal context in relation to the art. The reflective aspect of Javier’s work is an exploration into identity in the form of culture, ecology, non-toxic masculinity, politics, temporality, loss and ultimately triumph.