Branta canadensis plaster.jpg

Ann Cunningham

Backyard Birder: Six Noisy Urban and Rural Birds Common Throughout North America - the exhibit

Working with individuals and groups north and south along the Front Range, from Boulder to Colorado Springs with an emphasis in the Denver area to create the exhibition.

Imagine walking into a public space, a library, an airport or even a school, to see people casually seated around an exhibit of six panels displayed at table height and angled for comfortable access. Some people have paired up and are animatedly discussing discoveries as their hands scan the surface of the work. Others have connected their ear-bud and are intently following the information as they explore the pictures. One person using a wheel chair is explaining to a small child some points of interest. 

Who is sighted? Who is not? We may never know. But everyone will understand that there are ways of access here that say, “Welcome!” to everyone.

“Backyard Birder“ examines the natural history of six noisy, urban and rural birds common throughout North America. Each low relief picture will accurately depict one species. It will illustrate the bird in natural settings using a variety of distinct, durable materials that will expand the visitors understanding through touch. Information will be in large print and Braille text. Audio files will playback ambient sounds from the natural habitat enhancing the experience.