
Victor J Escobedo

Ojos En La Selva

The first performance of Ojos en la Selva will be at Claud Haus for an event being held September 14th. Owned by Thomas Scharfenberg, Claude Haus is “a colorfully patterned muralistic masterpiece, augmented by painted stones and flower pots, organically placed in arrangements around the yard, with additional artifacts and found objects to fill in the spaces” - Westword Best Yard Art 2019. Located in the Elyria-Swansea neighborhood of Denver, the event will feature some of Denver’s most prominent up and coming artists and musicians, and will be free and open to the public.

Ojos en la Selva is an ephemeral, transformative experience that tells the story of the ebb and flow of consciousness and the driving force of inspiration. Multiple states of consciousness are illustrated through multiple dimensions of performance working in unison. Creator Victor J Escobedo brings complex ideas to life through the manipulation of sound, light, staging, puppetry, and the consciousness of the viewer. His unique set design and painted tapestries create an alluring world to which the audience is transported, and this collective return to consciousness sparks the regrowth that concludes the performance.