My name is Andrew Tran. I am 16 years old and a 10th grader attending Abraham Lincoln High School. The pandemic has made me feel very empty and lonely because I’m always by myself. Right now, the most important things I miss are going to school, hanging out with friends and having fun.

This is a photo of an empty strip of road with a couple of lights. The road darkens as it goes on. To me it represents that every road has a point where darkness comes and not even lights can shine. However, this can mean many things. Everybody goes down a road throughout their lives. The dark points represent the hard times and the struggles. I chose to take this photo and make it a little darker to express everybody’s road right now throughout this pandemic. I feel that everybody is going through something no matter what it is so I darkened the picture to show that most people are at the dark point. Times are hard right now and feeling down is normal, but in life we come across these types of situations. “It’s just going down the road.”

My hope for the future is that everything goes back to normal and everybody realizes that we all need to come together when times like this occur. I also hope that people’s perspective will change once they see what a virus can do to the economy.
