My name is Abby. I am 14 years old and a freshman attending Denver Online High School and Community College of Denver. The pandemic has made me feel lonely, isolated, grateful and wishful. Right now, the most important things I miss are my closest friends, being in touch with the outside world and seeing other people (other than my family) smile.


The image I submitted is a photo of my family and me playing a card game and having fun. To me it represents that although most of us are isolated in our own homes, it does not hurt to spend some time with your loved ones. I chose to take these photos and add a loading template and the word “happiness” to it to express my gratitude of having an amazing family who I can rely on during these hard times.

My hope for the future is we will learn from this, we will learn how we should appreciate the things we have and appreciate the people who just seem like everyday workers in our community.  I hope we will all be a little less selfish.