
My name is Celecia Garcia. I am 19 years old and a senior attending Goal High School. The pandemic has made me feel worse regarding my mental health. Before it had started I was going through a lot and haven’t been able to properly deal with all of it. On a brighter side I have been doing a lot more activities that make me happy and getting into new things. Right now, the most important things I miss are friends, family and the movies.

The image I submitted is a photo of a Polaroid I had jokingly taken. My sister had added the wording on it. To me the Polaroid represents my depression. The puzzle pieces represent the good that I have, including my family and the hobbies I have.  I chose to take this photo and add a filter to make the color pop in order to express the color/good that surrounds the negative feel to the Polaroid. This also enhanced the red wording on the Polaroid in hopes to emphasize how serious mental health can be. It is hard to deal with, but there is always good around.

My hope for the future is that we can get past this hard time. I plan to go to college for psychology or to study to become a cytogenetic technician.